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           Issue 6 Wednesday August 8 2007 
           Ibiza this year? Bring your knitting and a pack of cards.
             We’re not doomsayers over here at Clubtickets Towers. On the 
contrary  there’s generally no one faster than us at putting a brave face 
on  things and seeing roses in amongst all those thorny bushes. But this  
summer in Ibiza has been fairly trying even for our cheery  dispositions. 
               After Amnesia, Bora Bora and DC10 comes  Manumission. No sooner 
had everything got back on track and open again,  then it was the turn of the 
original superclub themselves to succumb to  the curse of 07 and find itself 
with thousands of punters and nowhere  to put them last Friday following a 
catastrophic fall-out with venue  Privilege that resulted in the club simply 
shutting its doors and  refusing anyone to enter.
               Don't worry, everyone who bought  tickets received full refunds, 
and we’ve got more on that story in this  issue, including news of what 
the next move may be for these clubbing  chess pieces…checkmate or 
stalemate…you decide.
               This week is  also attempts to welcome Radio 1 back to the 
island, who are taking no  chances this year and virtually locking themselves 
inside the Mambo  studio in an effort to stay on the right side of the 
authorities. You  don’t have to be so dull though….check out all 
the other stuff on this  week as promoters cash in on the seasons biggest 
weekend and throw some  even more huge parties…
               Clubtickets Ibiza Team. 
             In the news...
             Manumisson...What's Going On
              Doors closed on the worlds biggest Friday night? Could this 
summer get any more outrageous?
               Marvin  Gaye isn’t the first person to spring to mind when 
thinking of Ibiza,  but his words certainly were this Friday night when nearly 
5000  clubbers turned up in buses and taxis alike to find the doors of  
Privilege locked shut on what should have been one of the busiest  
Manumission’s of the summer. 
               Various reasons are being  discussed as to being behind the 
closure. What is known is that the  venue was closed by the owner himself, 
José María Etxaniz after a row  with Manumission’s Andy 
Mackay. Manumission staff and performers were  turned away on arriving for 
work, and chaos reigned for hours in San  Rafel as the message gradually 
trickled out onto the street,  unfortunately too late for the many that arrived 
by disco bus or taxi  from San Antonio and Ibiza. Read more... 
               *Win flights and club tickets for the   Ibiza Closing Parties!*
               Courtesy of our good friends at low   cost airline Monarch, you 
and a mate could be partying with the cool crowds at   this summer's Ibiza 
Closing parties, Flights for two people and tickets to some   of the coolest 
Closing Parties will be included. To enter Click here 
               Hot Tickets! 
               Pure Pacha
                 At Pacha Ibiza in Ibiza              on Fri 10th August 
                Cream Live Radio 1 Party
                 At Amnesia in Ibiza              on Sat 11th August
               Ibiza Rocks featuring The Streets Soundsystem with Mike Skinner
                 At Bar M in Ibiza              on Mon 13th August 
                We Love Sundays at Space 
                 At Space in Ibiza              on Sun 12th August
               Judgement Sundays
                 At Eden in Ibiza              on Sun 19th August
                 At Eden in Ibiza              on Tue 14th August
               Book                      online at www.clubtickets.com
                  or call +44(0)870                      2462050,
                 during our call centre opening hours:
                     09.00 - 22.00
                     10.00 - 19.00 
                     10.00 - 18.00 
               *Telephone booking fees apply
               Club Calendar
               Like to plan ahead? or just like to be organised with your 
clubbing? Plan your clubbing in advance and see whats on Cick here
               V.I.P. Clubbing
               Celebrating or just fancy clubbing it VIP style?      Book VIP 
tables at some of the world's best clubs. Cick here 
             (c)2007                    Copyright Clubtickets. Reg. in England: 
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           recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this       
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