On Tuesday 07 August 2007 19:16:45 Paul Myjavec wrote:
> FreeBSD,
> I have just purchased a new workstation and have just completed a fresh
> install.
> One thing this install has taught me is how out of date a lot of mirrors
> around the world are, particularly in my case the Australian mirrors and
> doing a bit of reading I discovered that so many fellow Australians are
> simply turning to FreeBSD main sites for all there Ports needs.
> Upon emailing [EMAIL PROTECTED] to find out what the story was I
> received a bounce back message?
> Can something be done about this, I for one would be happy to help out if
> at all possible.
> Regards,
> Paul.
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im curious to know if you are referring to taking your fresh install of 6.2, 
and doing something like say:

pkg_add -r kde

and watching it install kde-3.5.4 ??  or perhaps it was some other package, 
but the point is that the packages-6.2-release folder does not hold the same 
things as package-6-stable folder.

or.. what exactly are you referring to, as being out of date?

Jonathan Horne
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