On Tuesday 07 August 2007 12:39:36 Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 10:15:11AM -0700, Steve Franks wrote:
> > occasionally I feel like a total idiot asking a really dumb question,
> > but I'm pretty much out of ideas and I've wasted hours messing with
> > PKGROOT, changing the 'options' in sysinstall, and I can't seem to get
> > things I can see right in 6-stable.  I'd just fetch it myself, but it
> > has about 100 dependancies...
> See pkg_add(1).  PACKAGESITE is probably what you want.
> Kris

ive used PACKAGESITE recently as well, i used it like this:


you have to specify it as far as the directory you want it to pull the files 
from.  ../All/ would also be acceptable.

now that im about to click send, i actually cant recall if i specified the 
trailing slash or not... so be prepared to reset and try again.

good luck,
Jonathan Horne
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