>  -nographic
>            Normally, QEMU uses SDL to display the VGA output. With this
>            option, you can totally disable graphical output so that QEMU
> is a
>            simple command line application. The emulated serial port is
> redi-
>            rected on the console. Therefore, you can still use QEMU to
> debug a
>            Linux kernel with a serial console.
> But, I do not think you can run most (any?) installers like this,
> without the serial console being redirected to _something_, and
> if you're doing this over ssh, that default something may not be
> immediately visible.

Point. Which is why I even plugged in my monitor/ keyboard to the machine
and ran Qemu at the console (I also uncommented the line in /etc/tty to
enable console). Shouldn't that work then?

> Per above (not quoted) -cdrom /dev/acd0 might not work if
> the permissions are not set correctly on /dev/acd0.  It is usually
> easier under qemu to use the downloaded image instead of
> burning to CD and all that.  Or use dd to make a new image
> if you've already deleted it.

Yup, had read that somewhere. So tried with an image file instead of the
actual CD. No go. :-/


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