Hi all,

I'm trying to use VNC to log into my FreeBSD laptop from another laptop [why? to learn how], but I'm stuck. I'm logged into gdm using display 0, typing this email at the keyboard that's physically attached to the gdm box. I'm getting the grey screen problem when I log in remotely though. The VNC client connects to Xvnc fine, but the gdm login client does not appear on the VNC display.

A quick "netstat -an | grep 177" shows port udp/177 in LISTEN mode, as expected.

I figure perhaps it's a user permissions problem. I'm using xinetd to run Xvnc as user "nobody", so perhaps "nobody" has no access rights to gdm? The only problem is, I can't seem to find gdm.conf. It doesn't exist on the system. The command

sudo find / | grep gdm.conf

yields nothing. Where is it storing its settings if not in gdm.conf?

Adam J Richardson
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