On Thursday 12 July 2007, David Kelly wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 11:21:50AM -0400, fbsd2 wrote:
> > Am I missing some thing here?
> > I though 10Mbps/100Mbps ends up controlling the
> > max packet size traveling over the internet.
> Yes, you are missing something.
> > So if your using 10Mbps, you end up generating 10 separate
> > packets versus 1 packet at 100Mbps to move the same amount of
> > data.
> No, MTU stays the same. Jumbo packet support is popular for gigabit
> ethernet but MTU is generally limited to 1500 for external internet
> connections.

The ethernet port being 10mbps is only a problem if your being sold 
more than 10mbps of bandwidth, in which case it would be a 
bottleneck.  Since the cable provider is installing these modems it 
would seem they aren't trying to sell higher link speeds than that.


Josh Paetzel

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