Gary Kline wrote:
On Mon, Jul 09, 2007 at 12:44:46AM -0500, Tim Daneliuk wrote:
On Sun, 8 Jul 2007 17:46:41 -0700
Gary Kline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        I was able to find, ldown load and instal the DOS/Windows ssh
        utility, but am having trouble scp'ing stuff between my BSD side
        and my W2K server.  Anybody know what file I have to modify to
        get permission on the windows computer?
OK - there are two scenarios:

1) Running the command from a Windows command shell to/from BSD
  (really pscp, right? - that's what comes with putty):

     pscp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:sourcefile localfile   - Copies file from BSD to 
     pscp localfile [EMAIL PROTECTED]:destfile     - Copies local file to BSD

  This should work out of the box assuming there are no authentication
  or firewall problems in the way.  If you're running WinXP/Vista
  you may have to open the Windows firewall to permit this.  You
  can see what's going on by having pscp be "verbose" by sticking
  a -v flag into the command:

        [[ Dunno   why, but I'm saving your entire file:) ---Maybe they've
        got DOS/Win in HELL for us Unix types.]]

        Since I've ready got putty on the PC, can I type::

        pscp  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/kf141.exe C:\kf141.exe


        (Do I have to put the 10.250 IP in brackets, IOW?)

~/.sig, etc, etc.

No, that should be correct. If that doesn't work, there's always Cygwin.. at least that's a semi-natural version of Unix :).
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