Thierry Lacoste wrote:
I'm running a postfix server on FreeBSD 6.1 and I'd like to have
a cronjob which deletes old mails from mboxes in /var/mail.

I tried mail/archivemail but it cannot create it's lock file
in /var/mail because it runs as the user owning the mailbox
on which it operates.

I also tried mail/archmbox but I'm wondering if it is safe
to use it while postfix is running. Quoting the manual:

       A few words about locking. There has been a discussion  about  archmbox
       handles  file locking. The answer is simple: no mailbox is ever locked.
       The reason behind this behavior is that I want archmbox to be as  least
       invasive  as  possible, so other kind of checks are performed to ensure
       that no data is lost (mailbox has changed/mailbox is in use by  another
       program). I will surely add some locking mechanism in the future.

Any help would be appreciated.

Have you consider using Maildir/ format instead? A switch to Maildir/ format would allow you to use the "find" program to weed out your mailbox and locking is not an issue.

-- Chris

      __o          "All I was doing was trying to get home from work."
    _`\<,_           -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton                    <chris | at |>
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