At 01:16 AM 6/2/2007, Christopher Hilton wrote:
.....My experience with Gigabit Ethernet leads me to like the Intel Pro/1000 cards which I believe use the em(4) driver in FreeBSD.

Go for it! I just upgraded several servers and desktops with Intel 1000 series NICs, and they're working great. Intel actively develops and supports the drivers for FreeBSD; nice vendor commitment.

You can also find the boards inexpensively on EBay.

I'll be looking.


-- Chris

      __o          "All I was doing was trying to get home from work."
    _`\<,_           -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton                    <chris | at | vindaloo.com>
        pgp key: D0957A2D/f5 30 0a e1 55 76 9b 1f 47 0b 07 e9 75 0e 14
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