Do you have an idea of how to manage symlinks with jailed software? Thierry.
On Saturday 02 June 2007 01:35, Maxim Khitrov wrote: > On 6/1/07, Kevin Downey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On 6/1/07, Maxim Khitrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Hi everyone, > > > > > > I'm currently setting up a new server, and I'd like to keep track of > > > all changes made to various config files (in /etc, /usr/local/etc, and > > > a few other places perhaps). My first thought was to setup a > > > subversion server which would contain the partial directory structure > > > that matches that of the server's starting at /. It would contain > > > versioned copies of all the configuration files that I want to keep > > > track of in their appropriate locations. What I would do then is write > > > a hook for subversion that will issue an automatic export command > > > (don't want .svn directories everywhere) every time a commit is made > > > to the repository. So to edit some configuration file I would first > > > checkout a working copy of the repository to some other location, make > > > the change and commit it. The server would be automatically updated > > > with the new file and I would be able to keep track of every change. > > > > > > This seems like a decent strategy to me, but before I go off writing > > > the scripts and setting up the server I wanted to ask what you guys > > > might be using to keep track of the server configuration (backups > > > don't count)? Is there an easier way of doing the same thing, for > > > example, eliminating the need to do a working copy checkout first? > > > Perhaps a way to monitor certain files for changes, and automatically > > > commit them every time a change is saved. I'd be glad to hear any > > > suggestions you might have in this regard. If possible, I'd like all > > > the versioned files to contain an id string, so that it's easy to > > > determine when the file was last changed and by whom, but this is > > > optional. For the most part I just need a way of going back to > > > previous versions. > > > > > > Thanks, > > > Maxim Khitrov > > > > What is the objection to having the metadata directories (.svn) > > everywhere? > > Well to be honest, I just really don't like that design. I think the > metadata should be separated out from the data, and placing .svn > directories into each directory of the project seems like a bad idea > to me. I understand why it was done this way, but I wish that some > extra effort was put in to consolidate all that information into > perhaps a single .svn directory in the root of the project. That, and > since they keep copies of the original files it also creates > additional storage requirements, but for storing configuration files I > don't really care. > > I did just think of another thing I could do. What if I create a new > directory on the server, and move all configuration files from their > original location to this directory. I then make then make it into an > svn working directory, and in place of the original files put symlinks > that point to the corresponding file in the working directory. This > would mean that I no longer have .svn directories all over the file > system, there is just one working directory that is separate from > everything else. Instead of an export operation I could have the hook > script do an update, and this would also give me a rather simple way > of editing the files locally on the server (plus it has the advantage > of quick access to all important files without having to constantly > move from /etc to /usr/local/etc). > > Does this seem like a decent idea to try and do? Might some software > have a problem with its configuration file being a symlink to some > other location? > > > devel/bazaar-ng is rather nice, and distributed vcs is very flexible. > > Will take a look at this as well, thanks. > _______________________________________________ > mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to > "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"