At 11:52 PM 5/22/2007, you wrote:
> # portsnap fetch
> Latest snapshot on server is older than what we already have!
That's really strange. And it doesn't happen for me.
Is it possible that you have a misbehaving proxy which is caching
a month-old snapshot? Colin Percival
Oh, crap. The god of portsnap and things FBSD has spoken and said
I'm a dipshit. And of course he's right ;)
Yeah, it goes through squid.... cause IIRC you suggested it. It
speeds up multi-machine updates a bunch. But when they all started
doing the same thing, I figured it was something on the
servers. I've been snapping for over a year, and it's always worked
great through squid. Don't know what changed, but I gave squid a
re-init, and portsnap is fetching 6200 patches. I should probably
just blow out ports and start from scratch at this point.
Thanks, Colin!
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