Couple quick questions:

At work, I just bought a new P4 Dell Server with an 80G mirrored IDE

I went with IDE since it doesn't have to be a totally failsafe system
(not handling a 100,000+ hit website, just interoffice file sharing &

Supposed, it is configured (I haven't had a chance to play with it yet)
to have the drives hardware mirrored.  Will I need to setup FreeBSD to
recognize this, aside from just loading the RAID card in the kernel?

the other thing is with the 80GIG size.  what kind of filesystem
settings should I use?  (like block size etc)

and would these slice settings be good enough, mainly, it'll handle
mail and some websites, along with SAMBA sharing and backups:

swap:2G (1G of ram)
/:1G (allow for 5.x-RELEASE when it's production ready)
/usr:the rest


thanx for your insights

doug reynolds | the maverick | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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