On 5/3/07, Stevan Tiefert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Am Donnerstag, den 03.05.2007, 07:05 -0500 schrieb Chris:
> Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
> > On 5/3/07, Stevan Tiefert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hello list,
> >>
> >> I have installed via pkg_add -r various packages for my 6.2-RELEASE. I
> >> have recognized that on this way I will not get always the newest
> >> package.
> >
> > You only get the packages compiled during the release
> > process. Newer packages are only built for 6-stable and
> > 7-current. The hard truth is that we don't have enough
> > human/hardware resources to keep 6.2 packages up-to-date.
> While the above may indeed be true - if you really feel the need to have
> the latest and greatest - that's 1/2 of what the ports and the upgrade
> tools that are given to you to are for.
> These same tools do allow you to create packages for your own needs.
The problem I pointed to is, that at the RELEASE_6_2 two packages of
firefox and openoffice.org exists and via pkg_add -r I receive the older
package of them both, because the links in .../Latest/ are pointing to
the older packages, but the newer packages are available for RELEASE_6_2
(I don't mean RELENG_6)!
Several versions of OOo are available from ports at the
same time. Only one of them has a link in latest. The
others have NO_LATEST_LINK set in their makefiles. You
can contact OOo maintainers (maho primarily) and ask
them to make newer versions available in latest.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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