> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Derek Ragona
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 2:50 PM
> To: L Goodwin; FreeBSD-questions@freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: No SMB/Samba support on Windows Home Editions
> At 03:49 PM 4/27/2007, L Goodwin wrote:
> >I've been working feverishly to set up a Samba share
> >on FreeBSD 6.2 server to provide file storage for
> >clients running Windows XP Pro and Windows Vista Home
> >Premium.
> >
> >I just had a long talk with the ISP's tech support,
> >and was told a number of things that I would like to
> >confirm or deny:
> >
> >1) Windows "Home" editions (including XP and Vista)
> >have support for SMB protocol disabled in Active
> >Directory Domain Connections functionality!
> >Is this true?
> Not exactly.  Home edition CANNOT log into a domain or active 
> directory.  If you need that functionality, upgrade to XP Pro.
> >2) The only way to make Samba work for Windows Home
> >editions is to change the Samba server's domain
> >configuration to "peer-to-peer".
> >Is this true? If YES, how do I do that?
> >Could not find reference it in the Official Samba-3
> >HOW TO and Reference Guide.
> I've never done that so am no help.

There is a hack for HP home that makes it join a domain.  You can
google for this.  It is a violation of the license agreement, of course.
Not recommended for a business to do this.

The only realistic option here is to run share-level security under
a workgroup style network.  The downside is that there is no centralized
password management.  But, in a smaller network that really doesen't 
> >3) Other options discussed:
> >
> >1) Replace Vista Home with Windows XP Pro (or Vista
> >Pro) or exchange computer for one with a "Pro"
> >edition.
> Vista licenses can be downgraded to XP.  You need to check on which 
> versions can be downgraded to XP Pro.

Only the Vista Business versions have downgrade rights to XP Pro.
The Vista Home versions can only downgrade to XP Home.

Additionally, there are no downgrade rights with OEM licenses.
> No one I know is jumping to vista until service pack one ships.

One of the Intel VPs during an interview accidentally let it slip
out that Microsoft has scheduled SP1 for Vista for 4th quarter 2007.

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