--- Beech Rintoul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Beech Rintoul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On
> Wednesday 25 
> April 2007, L Goodwin said:
> > > Will someone please lead me in the right
> direction towards
> > > resolving the following network issue?
> > >
> > > I just added a FreeBSD server to a LAN that
> consists of a router
> > > and 2 pc's, one of which is running Windows XP
> Pro and the other
> > > Windows Vista. The lan is connected to the
> Internet via a cable
> > > modem that goes through the router. The router
> is set up to be
> > > the DHCP server. Now it is being assigned a
> non-unique IP
> > > address.
> > >
> > >  Before adding the FreeBSD box to the mix,
> everybody was getting
> > > along fine (unique IP addresses were dynamically
> assigned to the
> > > pc's).
> > >
> > > I connected the FreeBSD box to the router,
> selected "Configure
> > > additional network interfaces" from the
> sysinstall menu, selected
> > > "fxp0 Intel EtherExpress Pro/100B PCI Fast
> Ethernet card" from
> > > the top of the list and clicked "OK" to prompts
> to try to
> > > configure IPv6 and DCHP. When done, the Network
> Configuration
> > > dialog contained the following values (which I
> did not alter):
> > >
> > > Host: dhcppc0
> > > Domain: (the cable provider's domain name)
> > > IPv4 Gateway:
> > > Name server: (IP address of ISP's name server)
> > > Configuration for Interface fxp0:
> > >     IPv4 Address:
> > >     Netmask:
> > >     Extra options: (blank)
> > >
> > > Note that the Host field does not match the
> hostname of the
> > > FreeBSD box, which is named "SERVER" (real
> creative, huh?). I
> > > guess I should have changed the Host field to
> "SERVER", eh?
> > >
> > > Then I got the following console messages on the
> FreeBSD server:
> > >
> > > 1) "Apr 25 13:33:19 SERVER kernel: arp
> 00:40:f4:47:fb:8e is using
> > > my IP address xxx.xxx.x.xx!" 2) "dhcppc0# Apr 25
> 14:07:05 dhcpp0
> > > kernel: arp: 00:40:f4:47:fb:8e is using my IP
> address
> > > xxx.xxx.x.xx!"
> > >
> > > I ran "ipconfig /all" on both Windows boxes and
> found that the
> > > FreeBSD box is assigned the same IP address as
> the Windows XP box
> > > (which had that IP address FIRST). Why is the
> FreeBSD box being
> > > assigned a non-unique IP address?
> >
> > 1. Check that your router's dhcp server is set up
> properly.
> >
> > 2. Check that the windows box is not set up with a
> static ip. The
> > box could be hard coded to an ip address and your
> dhcp server
> > thinks the lease is free.
> >
> > Other than that you need to supply more info.
> >
> > Beech
> > On Wednesday 25 April 2007, L Goodwin said:
> > I'll double-check the things you listed. If you
> can tell me what
> > additional info I need to supply and where to get
> it, I'll be happy
> > to oblige. Thanks...
> >
> On the XP box what does the output of 'ipconfig
> /all' tell you about the DHCP lease?
Lease Obtained: Thursday, April 26, 2007 7:36:42 AM
Lease Expires: Sunday, April 29, 2007 7:36:42 AM
(also says "Dhcp Enabled: Yes" and "Autoconfiguration
enabled: Yes")
Given these settings, I don't think I need to run
ipconfig /renew on this system...

Note: I wasn't able to get on the Vista box to get
current ipconfig /all output. An older printout shows
"DHCP Enabled: No", but it was enabled last time I
checked. I'll check again.

> On the FreeBSD box what is in /etc/rc.conf?
I had a feeling I'd find something like this, but did
not know where to look):
hostname="SERVER" (this is the hostname I want to use)

# -- sysinstall generated deltas -- 
# Wed Apr 25 13:38:08 2007
hostname="dhcppc0.<ISP's domain name here>"
Note that there are two each of the ipv6_enable and
hostname entries. 
I assume I should remove one of each. I want to use
hostname "SERVER". If I delete this one, will it
  hostname="dhcppc0.<ISP's domain name here>"
Please advise as to what to change.

> On your router what is the DHCP range set to? and
> how long do the leases last before they expire?

> And from the other post it's not possible to
> "accidentally" make the FreeBSD box a DHCP server. 
> You would have to install the isc-dhcpd 
> port, then configure and start it.
In any case, I verified that it's not installed.

> If all of the above looks ok, go to /var/db and
> delete anything that says "dhclient.leases" then 
> restart your machine and see if you get a new IP.
Found dbclient.leases.fxp0 containing 2 "lease {...}"
entries and moved it to $HOME (will delete once it's
all working). 

I was surprised to find that the entries were for the
Vista system (not the XP box). I'll verify that DHCP
is enabled on the Vista box.

One more question: When using DHCP, do I need to do
anything to enable all hosts on the LAN to know each
other by hostname (i.e., do I need to add entries to
/etc/hosts file?)? Once I reboot the FreeBSD box and
ensure that DHCP is enabled on all hosts, should I be
able to ping the Windoze systems by hostname (does not
currently work)?

Thanks to Beech and all who responded!

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