On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 21:03 -0700, L Goodwin wrote:
> Zhang (or Weiwu?),


>  I'm surprised there are no good open source bug tracking solutions
> out there already.

There are a lot! There are no known console-based bug tracker 
(there are also a lot of console-based bug reporter)

> Sorry, I'm not familiar with ncurse, so can't comment on it. The
> system I developed ten years ago was centered on Informix RDBMS, which
> included tools for creating character-based forms ("Perform"), reports
> ("ACE report writer"), and of course queries and stored procs. The
> shell scripts were used in conjunction with the RDBMS for tasks such
> as running reports and emailing the results to various individuals and
> mail groups, and extracting bug regression tests into executable
> scripts. Overhead was very low -- that's one great advantage of
> character-based applications (the Windows lovers complained bitterly
> about it, but we proved it was far more efficient and effective than
> the junk they were building).
> Good luck finding or building a system that meets your needs. I simply
> don't have time for non-essential activities, as I'm a one-person
> operation.

Thanks for the info.

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