in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
wrote Zhang Weiwu thusly...
> On Sun, 2007-04-15 at 01:40 -0400, Parv wrote:
> > in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > wrote Zhang Weiwu thusly...
> > > I've got a situation that looks like require using variable
> > > and not possible to process with sed. But I am not sure. Can
> > > someone suggest me if this task is out of scope of sed?
> >
> > Try some variation of what Garret suggested if sed is the
> > requirement and skip rest of the message.
> Thank you very much for all of you providing insights. I have not
> yet tried all possibilities in sed but I have just discovered it's
> relatively easy to handle this task in awk with this script:
> /^$/ { print "createTimestamp:", timeStamp; timeStamp = ""; }

This prints a "createTimestamp:" line on its own block for every 2
consecutive empty lines (in context of the whole program).

> /^ahkCreateTimeStamp:/ { timeStamp = $2;}
> /^createTimestamp:/ { if (timeStamp == "") timeStamp = $2; }
> $0 !~ /^ahkCreateTimeStamp:/ && $0 !~ /^createTimestamp:/ {
>       print;
> }

Interesting, your description of the solution (sadly not in the
quoted reply) allowed for "createTimestamp" move to
"ahkCreateTimeStamp" line, but implementation above keeps the
"createTimestamp" at its place.  So I suppose order does not

  - Parv


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