O/H Apatewna έγραψε:
O/H Marc G. Fournier έγραψε:

Theres always raqdevil (www/raqdevil http://www.raqdevil.com/) although
i'm afraid its BSD not GPL Licenced ;)

First thing in favor of it, the BSD license ... second, developed under FreeBSD :)

...third it is abandoned http://www.freshports.org/www/raqdevil

*correction* it appears there's a lot of underground work going on for raqdevil, I just googled for it http://www.raqdevil.com/pipermail/raqdevil-commit/2007-March/000037.html

RTFM and STFW before anything bad happens
Thanasis Rizoulis
Electronic Computing Systems Engineer
Larissa, Greece
FreeBSD/PCBSD user
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