Ok... Well, I rebooted the server, and still it's an hour behind:

kermit# /usr/sbin/ntpdate -v -b 0.us.pool.ntp.org
28 Mar 23:17:15 ntpdate[1429]: ntpdate 4.2.0-a Mon Aug  7 17:44:27 UTC 2006
28 Mar 23:17:17 ntpdate[1429]: step time server offset

Any ideas now? If the CMOS clock is off, could this be affecting the

-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Swiger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:02 PM
To: Don O'Neil
Cc: FreeBSD Mailing List
Subject: Re: Time changed back to old daylight savings

On Mar 28, 2007, at 11:53 AM, Don O'Neil wrote:
> So it looks like my zone info files are correct... could the ntp pool 
> be off for some reason, or does ntpdate need to be updated?
> 28 Mar 10:53:51 ntpdate[90706]: ntpdate 4.2.0-a Mon Aug  7 17:44:27 
> UTC 2006
> (1)

Nope, the NTP protocol uses GMT (or UTC, if you prefer that name)

However, once you've updated the timezone files, you either need to restart
all of the processes which have cached the old TZ file info, or simply
reboot.  You might find running "ntpdate -b" to reset your clock once before
starting ntpd will help correctly sync if your local clock is one hour off
(depends on whether your BIOS is trying to keep local time or GMT
time)...see "man adjkerntz".


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