Why not use Perl? It'd be as simple as:
use strict;
open(IN, "$ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open $ARGV[0]: $!\n";
while (<IN>) {
print $_ unless ($_ =~ /<regular expression describing lines you
don't want>/);
close IN;
Save this script as "filter.pl" (or whatever you want to call it), and
then just run "perl filter.pl <original file> > <filtered file>", which
will pipe out all the lines you do want to <filtered file>.
Alex Kirk
I'm trying to write a script to delete all line that include a certain
pattern in an output file. I sending information to one of our Security
people and they take this data and create a spreadsheet on the
information, I have a constant reoccurring lines within the output file
that they do not need. I'm trying to use the sed command to remove lines
that fits a certain pattern but it does not appear to remove anything.
Any helpful ideas or any useful links to scripts.
Thanks so much..
Bruce Stitt
TSYS Hosting Services
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