
        I finally begged a favor a got two working NIC's in what will be
        my emergency backup DNS server.  The box is old and slow but the
        hardware is ++solid.  It was easy getting my 5.3 CD upgraded to
        5.5, but for unknown reasons,I'm having troubles moving up to
        6.2-R.  (I upgrades this server [tao] from 5.5 to 6.2-PRE without
        any problems. )  KERNEL=GENERIC on my backup server and I'm

make buildworld &&
make buildkernel &&
make installkernel;

        Things hung up after buildworld, during buildkernel.  Thanks
        to the "&&", the buildworld finished successfully.  I'm all but
        sure that the cvsup grabbed all 6.2 files.  The troubles have
        only been happening in the past two or three days.  Has anybody 
        else seen thtis?



  Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Public Service Unix

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