Gary Kline wrote:
On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 09:42:45AM +0000, Matthew Seaman wrote:
Gary Kline wrote:
        What utility will find the shared lib:
In the apache httpd.conf from a couple weeks ago, the file was in /usr/local/libexec/apache/ and it just might be that if I
        rebuild the library, PHP files will suddenly work.

        ...Hope springs eternal.....
Did you recompile the php4 port recently?  If you:

    cd /usr/ports/lang/php4
    make config

Is the box for 'Build Apache Module' checked?  If not,
check it now, and reinstall the land/php4 port.  That
should regenerate the module in

        Some questions for you, Matthew; hopefully not too uninformed...  .
        One, how to I bring up that DOS-ish '3-D' (Or whatever) check
winfow? and how to reset if I make a mistake? I've checked everywhere I can think of, or nearly.

        Of note is that overnight--from 03.00 until I finally unglued my
        eyes--I installed php5 on zen.  The php files display; the
        counter and other php code  may work; and for totally unknown
        reasons, on tao php works without my having any php port
        installed.  --It may just display as html displays.  The code
        can't exec (barring ghosts in closets).  How does php work
        elsewhere as it does on my laptop, zen, while I'm having such
        troubles on ns1??   I have moved the *new* httpd.conf into
/usr/local/etc/apache, restarted apache. Zip. I am about to rebuild php4 on ns1 using portupgrade.
        FWIW, I did a wholesale upgrade on my primary server toward the
end of January, and on the 31st noticed trouble with PHP. I figured it was because I was messing with the javascript
        extensions/addons on firefox.  Nope.  I severely shot off both
        feet.  Any help or insights much appreciated!  ...Yes, I googled
        around for this problem.  Nothing worked.

        merci d'advanc,




Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
                                                      Flat 3
PGP:         Ramsgate

Just try running php on the command line with the php file. The only thing that won't be set is the variables that are setup from apache (HTML related environment variables). If anything fails, it will there with a lot more info.

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