On 12/14/06, Frank Staals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there a utility to display the dependencies of a port which have yet
to be installed ? I know you can get a complete dependency list on
freebsd.org/ports , pkg_info -r or just looking in the files in the
ports dir. But is there a command to display only the dependencies which
haven't been installed on your system yet ? I also looked at pkg_add -n
but it immediately starts fetching the packages needed. I don't want to
start downloading the complete package just because I want a list of
ports I haven't installed yet.

Or is the only way making a diff between the pkg_info -r output and your
pkg_info -a ? If so : Is there a way to tell pkg_info when using the -r
flag on a not-yet-installed-port to only get a list of the dependencies
instead of downloading the complete package ? Or is there just an other
utility which can display this information which I'm not aware of ?

Thanks in advance,

-Frank Staals


Yes, read man ports before asking :

cd to the dir of the port you wish to know the dependencies of and issue one
or both of these commands:

*pretty-print-run-depends-list*, *pretty-print-build-depends-list*
                      Print a list of all the compile and run dependencies,
                      and dependencies of those dependencies.

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