On 12/11/06, Garrett Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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Chad Gross wrote:
> First I would address the first question. Only you can really answer
> whether
> or not there is a benefit. Is there a specific need (e.g.
> support) for you to upgrade? If not then I would recommend against the
> upgrade. If yes, I why not move to 6.x? I have been running FBSD since
> 4.0and have run every revision since and would not suggest using
> 5.x. Either stick with 4.x or move to 6.x based on your requirements.
> To answer your second question, the best place to look for help is the
> handbook (
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/makeworld.html
> Also make sure to read /usr/src/UPDATING as this may contain special
> instructions. It is a general rule of thumb to do a clean install
> major revisions though. I have personally done them with success, but
> not recommend doing it on a production server if it is your first time
> doing
> one (as it sounds to be). Stick to upgrading between minor revisions
> you are familiar with the build/make process. Also these mailing lists
> are a
> great resource for help as is http://www.bsdforums.org/ (and a few
> use Google).
> Finally, as mentioned above, from personal experience it is best to
> with a clean install between major revisions.
> Good luck again,
> Chad

>>        Bad way to look at things, given that 4.x isn't supported
>>anymore by the FreeBSD group; so anything either userland or core system
>>related that needs to be upgraded due to a security or performance issue
>>would require an upgrade anyhow..
 >>       You should run at least 5.x, but it's highly recommended that
>>you go to 6.x, due to performance improvements and the fact that you
>>won't have to source upgrade your system again for a lot longer period
>>of time (than if you moved to 5.x).
>>        The only issue is that you don't have direct access to the
>>- -Garrett

I apologize, I didn't realize that 4.x was no longer supported (I thought
RELENG_4 was still getting commits). In that case, I would make the move to
6.x being that 5.x wasn't exactly the best release performance-wise and it
will be moving out of support sooner too.

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