I really can't say enough times how much I love my IBM T23, it's a couple of
years old and runs both WinXP and FreeBSD 6.1 like a charm. 

I only had a bit of a problems configuring X, but that's part me for not
having much experience and was easily resolved by doing some digging in

-----Original Message-----

> On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 08:58:53AM +0300, g wrote:
>> Is there any one model or product that would be better for Freebsd 6 
>> (as this is my day in day out operating system).
> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-mobile
>> Any experiences and or advise would be much appreciated.
> My vote is for Thinkpads

Mine too. I have an R51. Man, that computer is awesome. No issues with it,

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