Hey all, I'm experimenting with ipfw as means of controlling some interesting anomalies like with portsenty or some ssh anti-brute-force scripts (i.e. adding bad hosts to tables, adding deny rules for certain hosts, etc), and I was wondering if there was (either in the form of a script, or a builtin command I can't find) some way to just "dump" all the ipfw data (pipes, queues, tables, etc) to a single file to be re-read on boot?

I'd be willing to try and write something like this if it doesn't already exist, but I'm rather surprised it doesn't.

-Dan Mahoney


"A single death is a tragedy.  A million deaths is a statistic."

-Josef Stalin, As quoted on the cover to Savatage's "Dead Winter Dead"

--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM
Site:  http://www.gushi.org

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