I am attempting to setup a secondary ide drive. I have configured the 
entire 305MB drive for storage. I used /stand/sysinstall and -it-
issued the command ;

/bin/sh -c newfs -b 16384 -f 2048 /dev/ad2s1e

which seems very disk intensive and is taking a long time. I am wondering
if this is right. I just want to use the second drive as a storage folder
for backing up the main drive.

The disklabel editor shows it as 

Disk: ad2       Partition name: ad2s1   Free: 0 blocks (0MB)

Part      Mount          Size Newfs   Part      Mount          Size Newfs
----      -----          ---- -----   ----      -----          ---- -----
ad2s1e    /uusr       305242MBUFS+S Y

This configuration issued the command as above;

/bin/sh -c newfs -b 16384 -f 2048 /dev/ad2s1e

How long should newfs take for a 305 MB drive?

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