I have two FreeBSD 6.1 boxes one of which (IP is an NFS server and the other one (IP is, among other things, an NFS client sharing directories with the NFS server. It all works correctly and I can mount_nfs all the directories from the server. BUT, I'm now trying to use an IPFW firewall both on the server and on the client. My simple aim is to setup connections between the server and the client ** only **; no connections should be possible with other clients! Now I've tried the poor documentation I could find googling with the keywords "freebsd ipfw nfs" to no avail, I cannot mount_nfs any share on te client because something goes wrong with RPC. Concentrating on the client side (no ipfw for the moment on teh server) I tried the following
ipfw add 300 allow ip from 2049,111,1022 to via fxp0 setup keep-state OR ipfw add 300 allow ip from to 2049,111,1022 via fxp0 setup keep-state OR ipfw add 300 allow ip from 2049,111,1022 to me via fxp0 setup keep-state OR ipfw add 300 allow ip from to me 2049,111,1022 via fxp0 setup keep-state If I disable the firewall it all goes smootly. Could you please help me? Ciao Vittorio _______________________________________________ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"