Hi Jeff,

On 13/11/2006 16:35, Jeff Dickens wrote:
> Regarding the following vulnerabilities as detected by portaudit:
>    Affected package: ruby-1.8.4_4,1
>    Type of problem: ruby -- cgi.rb library Denial of Service.
>    Reference:
> <http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/portaudit/ab8dbe98-6be4-11db-ae91-0012f06707f0.html>

From the link:

% Affects:
%     *  ruby >=1.8.* <1.8.5_4,1
%     *  ruby_static >=1.8.* <1.8.5_4,1

The latest version of ruby in ports is 1.8.5_4,1 which is not affected[1].

>    Affected package: ruby-1.8.4_4,1
>    Type of problem: ruby - multiple vulnerabilities.
>    Reference:
> <http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/portaudit/76562594-1f19-11db-b7d4-0008743bf21a.html>

Hmmm... not sure about this one, but if I'm reading CVE-2006-3694[2]
right ruby 1.8.5 is not affected. portaudit is not complaining, too.



[2] http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2006-3694

Karol Kwiatkowski  <freebsd at orchid dot homeunix dot org>
OpenPGP: http://www.orchid.homeunix.org/carlos/gpg/0x06E09309.asc

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