On 11/11/06, Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, Nov 11, 2006 at 11:15:54AM -0800, Chris wrote:
> >
> >If your system is hanging then you need to configure additional
> >debugging to figure out the cause.  Read the chapter on kernel
> >debugging the developers handbook; without this information no
> >developer can help you.
> >
> >Kris
> >
> >P.S. In my testing SMP amd64 is quite stable even under exceptionally
> >heavy loads, so it's either something related to your hardware or your
> >particular workload.
> Hadn't considered that a user level debugging solution. I'll give it
> a try.
> We had considered it possibly related to our mix because the SuperMicro
> dual xeon we are trying to replace it with was rebooting (not hanging)
> without any error messages every 15-20 days. I thought it was failing
> hardware. It's on 6.1 R P10. Maybe related in some way.

That is indeed almost always failing hardware.


I had a similiar issue of rebooting or more specifically shutting
down.  The BIOS would also loose it's config.  After some hardware
swapping it turned out to be the power supply.

Jeff Hinrichs
Dundee Media & Technology, Inc
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