Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm still trying to figure out why the standard tftp won't accept ack
> connections from  It will recv ack's from a normal IP address
> just fine.
> It can't be the firewall because I can set it to "pass all" and
> restart with the same results.
> The tftp daemon is started from inetd.  The server process is somewhat
> different for a inetd daemon as it recieves on socket 0 instead after
> it starts.  It creates a socket for further communication after it
> retries the initial UDP packet sent.  It sucessfully sends the first
> packet on this socket but it doesn't recv ack's for the packet though
> tcpdump see's them come in.  The recv timesout and then it resends the
> first packet.
> The only thing I can think of is that inetd must initialize it's
> sockets in some special way to recieve from is bogus; it's considered a "Martian" address.  IP hosts are
normally *expected* to ignore them.
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