On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 09:41:19AM -0500, Bob Schwartz wrote:

> Good am,
> OK, I think I am getting closer.
> The system returns this upon install:
> Name: da0
> Geometry: 17849 cyls/255  heads/63   286744185 sectors (140011MB)
> The SCSI drive, non-raid, that I want to install on is 146 gigs, nominally.
> What is puzzling me, however, is that the next reports do not appear to show
> even the existence of the three SAS 73 gig drives, two of which are in a SAS
> raid 1 configuration and one of which is a standalone drive.
> The reports are:
> Offset    st           end       name    ptype       desc
> subtype       flags
> 0         16065        06064       -     12          unused               0
> 16065    286728120    286744184    da0s2   4        extended dos, LBA
> 15
> 286744185   5295      286749479    -       12        unused               0
> Prior to the install options, bsd indicates that it finds the drives,
> identifying them as A,C D,E and referring to the BIOS.

Something is missing in your information or in what is happening.
It sounds like you are trying to use sysinstall and that is fine.
But, it should first show you a menu of the drives avilable and
allow you to choose one.
Then it should bring up the screen showing the slices that are
on that drive.  You choose one - unused or intentionally overwriting
another one and marking it for FreeBSD type and as bootable.  Then
it should go to the bsdlable screen allowing you to create partitions
within one of the slices on the drive you chose.   It will let you muck
with any primary slice on that drive, but you only want to deal with the
one you made in to a FreeBSD slice in the previous step.   

What you show here looks like you have skipped on past fdisk and gone 
right to bsdlabel or something like that.

I think the acde stuff refers to partitions withing a slice.

First, are you using sysinstall?  - or using fdisk, bsdlabel and newfs
Second, if using sysinstall, does it show you a menu of available drives?
Or have you skipped something?


> If I am correct, it is offering me the opportunity to install to the 146 gig
> SCSI dirve, but not on any of the others.

Again, it looks like you have skipped a step or two.

> Does the group agree with this and if so, given that it appeared to note all
> the drives in the machine, why am I not given the chance to install anywhere
> I want?
> Many thanks!
> Bob Schwartz
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> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Moran
> Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 11:08 AM
> To: Bob Schwartz
> Cc: FreeBSD-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
> Subject: Re: Questions on first-time installation
> In response to "Bob Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> [snip]
> > Also, your (or someone else's) suggestion that I disconnect the others 
> > for the moment is a good one...and I guess that that would do, except 
> > that I would not end up with a boot manager when I hook the others 
> > back up afterwards?
> > 
> > Also, what, if anything, would that do to any of the data on the other 
> > drives after the fact?
> That's a safe bet, from the standpoint of the Windows installations, but it
> can cause grief if you try to plug everything back in.  I've had problems
> with the BIOS moving drives around, then FreeBSD can't figure out which
> drive it should be mounting off.  I'm not saying it's a bad idea, all I'm
> saying is that it might not produce a long-term usable installation.
> --
> Bill Moran
> Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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