On Mon, 2006-11-06 at 13:42 -0500, Nathan Vidican wrote:
> man md5 ....
> All mirrors contain the same files. Errors do however occur, and the 
> possibility of a bad download does exist (hey - it's not a perfect 
> world). That's what MD5 checksums are for; to verify that the file you 
> downloaded matches that you were expecting to... all the ISO images 
> afaik have MD5 checksums (see: 
> ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/ISO-IMAGES/6.2/CHECKSUM.MD5 
> or mirror). Simply check the file for consistency before you use it - 
> really, this is a habit you should get used to.

I burnt the 6.1 Release iso´s with "k3b" in Suse linux. K3b checks the
md5 first
before it burns the cd´s. The reason for downloading it again is because
I can´t
think of another solution right now (not to start with atleast...).

Thanks for the tip though!

/Cheers Peo

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