On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 10:37:04PM -0500, ajm wrote:
> "Try the following as root or su to root"
> cd /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer
> make config
> "then deselect from the menu the Win32 option"
> make install clean
> "note:  you will not have win32 codecs support"
Normally with mplayer I just download the latest and greatest from mplayerhq.hu 
and just hit configure && gmake...

As to win32 codes, it is just a binary blob you have to unpack to a standard 
location. I have it unpacked under /usr/lib/win32 in my box.

The instructions are clearly given in the mplayer website and the associated 
html documentation.

Sorry, I am not able to get that out of the top of my head since it is a whie 
since I did that.

The advantage is that you have latest and most optimised mplayer for your 

You may prefer the ports install strategy if you are a puritan...

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