Mikhail Goriachev wrote:
> Bill Moran wrote:
>>> Not sure what happens with that " : not found". I also commented "sleep
>>> 900" line. Waiting for 15 mins is a bit too long.
>> That doesn't work.  The server also enforces the limit, and your attempt
>> to bypass it will result in you not being registered.  See the archives,
>> where this was already discussed once.  Just background the job and work
>> on something else until it finishes.
> Thanks for the info. Uncommented those lines and re-executed the thing
> (no 15 mins of waiting though) and 3 out of 4 boxes managed to appear in
> the stats.

Yes -- so long as more than 15 minutes has gone by since your first attempt
to register, the second one will proceed instantaneously using the same



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