--- Greg Barniskis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Perry Hutchison wrote:
> >> Well, you're at least as far as having the disk
> sliced up in a 
> >> workable way, or the bootstrap wouldn't start at
> all. This jumps
> >> out as not only being bad, but happening right
> before meltdown.
> >>
> >>> acpi: bad RSDP checksum (210)
> > 
> > I suspect it's a red herring, since I was getting
> that message at
> > that point when everything was working (with the
> 10GB drive).
> That could be. I thought it might be a symptom of
> the BIOS version 
> being the root of the problem, and of course once
> that's foo all 
> bets are off.
> > After a CD boot, is there a reasonably simple way
> to have sysinstall
> > reinstall just the kernel -- or the package
> containing it -- without
> > starting completely over?
> Yeah, see what Derek wrote. Never done that, myself,
> or even heard 
> of the kernel not getting installed.
> > The BIOS version is A08.  Dunno if it is the
> latest, but I do have
> > ACPI turned off in the BIOS.  I guess it is
> arguably a BIOS bug for
> > an RSDP to exist when ACPI is disabled, and/or a
> FreeBSD bug to be
> > complaining about ACPI when it is disabled.
> "Whose bug?" is often largely a matter of semantics
> when two pieces 
> of software fight. It's likely that for historical
> hardware, only 
> FreeBSD developers could fix the conflict at this
> point, but that 
> seems unlikely unless (after you get things
> otherwise working) 
> you're willing to do extensive trial and error,
> debugging 
> operations, etc.
> You're probably right about it being a red herring
> for your 
> immediate boot problem, but ACPI issues do cause all
> kinds of 
> trouble, so keep an eye on it.
> -- 
> Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
> South Central Library System (SCLS)
> Library Interchange Network (LINK)
> <gregb at scls.lib.wi.us>, (608) 266-6348
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going to jump in but ignore if my assumptions are
wrong... I remeber in this thread somewhere it was
saying you had a Dell GX1???

I've installed FreeBSD 6.0 on such a system and
upgraded to 6.1-p3. The A08 BIOS is old, A10 is what I
have. I think thats the latest but I'm not positive.
ACPI needs to be turned on in the BIOS in order for
shutdown -p to function otherwise you must manually
shut it off after the halt. Whatever you do DO NOT
INSTALL GRUB. It doesn't work at all and just corrupts
the root partition. At least this has been my
experience, only machine so far I've encountered.

I would update the bios first to A10 or the latest
(let me know if A10 ain't the latest), make sure ACPI
is turned on and then find yourself a 6.0 iso to
install and then upgrade it. Especially if there is a
problem with 6.1 installing a kernel. Maybe this has
been asked but the install did ask you which
distribution you wanted right? Sometimes sysinstall
gets confused when I change my mind on things and
never asks for the distributions I want to install.
This always ends with an unusable system. even though
it appears to be installing something. 

good luck, if this is an GX1 it should work
eventually, and if memory serves me the A10 bios fixed
some ACPI issues from previous version. Although it
seems that all Dell updates fix ACPI issues so maybe
I'm just getting confused.


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