On Mon, 7 Aug 2006, Daniel Gerzo wrote:

Hello Marc,

Monday, August 7, 2006, 5:42:27 AM, you wrote:

I've now committed v2.0 of the 300.statistics periodic script ... this one
adds the device reporting that we'd talked about previously, and the
summary reports now reflect the driver(s) in use for those deciding to
report ...

I've written it to report driver + chip= information from pciconf -l,
since even pciconf -lv doesn't seem to use card= ... the summary report
will be extended next to show both vendor and chip statistics ...

Maybe it would be better if you strip the ending number from the
driver, so the page will list total number of driver usage not fxp0,
fxp1 totals and so on.

Agreed, I have to clean that up, but I can do that one the server side, without affecting the client side at all ... the only thing that I'm not sending across the wire is the none#@ entries, since, as far as I could determine, they represent devices found, but not in use ...

Seems like some people are already trying to be funny, because according to the page there are already people running (~40) FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT :-) It's sad to see this to be happening.

Yup ... but, two things ... in most cases, finding 'funny ppl' won't be *too* difficult the way I have the backend setup (some are bound to always slip through, mind you), but the hope is that if enough legit ppl do check in, the 'fakers' will represent a small percentage of the total ...

We'll see how well practical and theory match up over time, mind you :)

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
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