beno wrote:
> Matthew Seaman wrote:
>> Note: this is potentially a problem.  If the UID number gets reused for a
>> different account, that new user will get all the ownership rights to the
>> old users' files.  It can often be a better policy to disable an old
>> account
>> -- set the password field in /etc/master.passwd to '!!' and change the
>> shell
>> to /sbin/nologin -- rather than to delete it.

> Before I go trotting off and do this and potentially replace the wrong
> field, which one is the passwd?
> tick:$1$CDKLp9qt$sfo5Mi5/dB1uGZUuc5uKk0:1001:1001::0:0:User
> &:/home/tick:/sbin/nologin

The second field -- see passwd(5) (by which I mean type 'man 5 passwd', if
it isn't obvious)

>> You can also get a report on any 'unowned' files in the weekly periodic
>> e-mail by adding
>>     weekly_noid_enable="YES"
>> to /etc/periodic.conf
> Where does it find the email address?

The periodic emails are sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  There are at least two
every day, plus an extra at the end of each week and at the end of each
month -- you're expected to set up an alias that forwards them to the
sysadmins for the machine.

Check /etc/mail/aliases, you should have a line that says something like:

    root:  youruid

in there towards the top.  Edit the file appropriately and then type 
'make' in the /etc/mail directory. If you haven't done that and you've been
running a FreeBSD box for a while, you'll find that root's mailbox --
/var/mail/root -- is probably rather full.   



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
                                                      Flat 3
PGP:         Ramsgate
                                                      Kent, CT11 9PW

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