On Fri, 4 Aug 2006, Xiao-Yong Jin wrote:
Hi all, after upgrading firefox and acroread, I got this when I tried
to use the plugin,
LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library
[/usr/X11R6/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/ENU/Browser/intellinux/nppdf.so: Undefined symbol
I have these lines in my /etc/libmap.conf,
# Acrobat7 with Mozilla/Firebird/Galeon/Epiphany/Konqueror/Kazehakase
libc.so.6 pluginwrapper/acrobat.so
Bug? Or my configuration fault?
My configuration is the same (with 6-STABLE as of yesterday) and I get
the same error trying to view PDFs within seamonkey. This has happened
earlier this year, but I can't recall when it was fixed or if it was
avoided by backing down to a previous version of acroread.
Please file a PR.
In the short term, you can use portdowngrade to go back to the previous
version of acroread7, or just save the PDF from within the browser and
use the command-line version of acroread. In the not-quite-as-short
term, hopefully nork can fix this.
-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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