On 8/4/06, Chris Whitehouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
pete wright wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've got a portmanager question.  I've been using it for quite some
> time on various systems with great success - until today when i
> ctl+c'd in the wrong terminal and broke an upgrade that was going on.
> Now when i try to re-run portmanger to get a list of out of date ports
> I am getting this:
> <snip>
> 00109 ----:p5-Math-BigInt-1.77                 /math/p5-Math-BigInt
>            MISSING
> 00110 ----:p5-Socket6-0.19                     /net/p5-Socket6
>            MISSING
> 00111 ----:p5-Email-Address-1.86               /mail/p5-Email-Address
>            MISSING
> 00112 ----:lzo2-2.02_1                         /archivers/lzo2
>            MISSING
> </snip>
> I've tried various portmanager upgrade attempts (using -u/-f/ and -p)
> and all seem to fail with similar messages as this:
> skipping p5-Math-BigInt-1.77 /math/p5-Math-BigInt marked IGNORE
> reason: looping, 3rd attempt at make
> skipping p5-Socket6-0.19 /net/p5-Socket6 marked IGNORE reason:
> looping, 3rd attempt at make
> skipping p5-Email-Address-1.86 /mail/p5-Email-Address marked IGNORE
> reason: looping, 3rd attempt at make
> skipping lzo2-2.02_1 /archivers/lzo2 marked IGNORE reason: looping,
> 3rd attempt at make
> soo...my question is, is there a way to reset the "state" of  what
> portmanger things is installed (and what rev's etc...).  i am not even
> sure if portmanger does this, although i am familiar with rebuilding
> the pkgdb after i messed up when using portupgrade ;)
> thanks for any pointers/help!
> -pete

You could try deleting or editing ignore.db. Mine's in
/usr/local/share/portmanager/. Also check

Does make run ok inside each ports directory? Just so you know nothing's
really broken. Maybe delete any work directory before and after.

There is a note in the man page about not interrupting it at some
critical stage.


Thanks Chris, so I'll check out the ignore.db and the pm-020.conf.
The ports are able to build with no problems on their own, which is
wierd.  I'll post back if any of these things work.


Pete Wright
NYC's *BSD User Group
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