On 4/08/2006 1:31 PM, User Freebsd wrote:
'k, looking at the above, and comparing it to what I'm getting from
pciconf -l, I'm missing something ... namely:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:10:0: class=0x020000 card=0x0027a0a0 chip=0x813910ec
rev=0x10 hdr=0x00
Translates to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:10:0: class=0x020000 card=0x0027a0a0 chip=0x813910ec
rev=0x10 hdr=0x00
vendor = 'Realtek Semiconductor'
device = 'RT8139 (A/B/C/810x/813x/C+) Fast Ethernet Adapter'
class = network
subclass = ethernet
But, the last 4 hex of card/chip aren't teh same ... oh, wait,
re-reading what you stated, is it safe to assume that chip= can be
ignored ... nope, that doesn't follow either ... but I think I see it ...
Looking through src/usr.sbin/pciconf/pciconf.c, it looks as though
pciconf only translates the chip= for what it displays. The DOS-based
PCI identification code that I've worked with in the past typically
referred "chip" as "device", and "card" as "sub-device"... Internally,
pciconf uses the same references (snipped from the printf statement):
(p->pc_subdevice << 16) | p->pc_subvendor,
(p->pc_device << 16) | p->pc_vendor,
The aforementioned DOS utilities used to display lookups for both (where
appropriate); I vaguely recall coming to the conclusion that the
sub-device bit was not mandatory, but someone with more knowledge of the
ins and outs of the PCI specs may be able to state that more definitively...
In short, the "chip" field from pciconf looks like the most important
one.. the rev/hdr fields are less important for our needs - as far as
I'm aware they're generally used to denominate hardware revisions, so as
vendors revise their PCB layouts and components, they can be easily
differentiate between them -- this is most important when you're a
driver, trying to figure out what how you should treat a specific
device... The card one may fall into a "nice-to-know" but not necessary..
For the above, vendor *should* be Aopen Inc, not Realtek Semiconductor ...
'k, so, for the above:
- Aopen Inc (A0A0)
- Realtek Semiconductor (10EC)
- 8139 RT8139 (A/B/C/810x/813x/C+) Fast Ethernet Adapter (8139)
And the 0027 is actually meaningless in this case ...
So in your case, it's a Realtek 8139 adapter, most likely as part of an
AOpen motherboard or add-in card...
So, what I'm looking for is vendor->device, but in some card= cases,
there won't be a 'Device' listed ...
As to class= ... what table am I supposed to be seeing at that URL?
The class= line is a combination of two fields (the same as chip and
card are a combination of vendor and device fields) -- the class, and
subclass, of the device.
The URL http://fxr.watson.org/fxr/source/dev/pci/pci.c#L1340 shows the C
source for this table that's used to match them up... for instance:
{PCIC_NETWORK, -1, "network"},
The first line of the above defines the "network" device class; then it
defines several of the sub-classes of class "network"... ethernet, token
ring, etc. These are defined here:
So this line:
actually reads:
{0x02, 0x00, "ethernet"},
So our class line:
Is made up of 2 hex digits for the device class, and 4 hex digits for
the device sub-class...
Savvy? ;-)
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