No, they were all normal (the latter two were 0, the first was about 110). FWIW, the query usually proceeds normally; it's only when it doesn't that things go bad.

I'm wondering if this is a problem with threads -- I've been doing research, and a number of places say that there are threading issues on FreeBSD 5 with MySQL thread when using the standard threading library. I'm going to recompile MySQL with the linuxpthreads option, and see if that stops this...


On Aug 2, 2006, at 10:00 AM, Jim Stapleton wrote:

I thought there were mysql forums, but I am not sure.

In the queries I gave you, none of the results were too large I take
it (not above the low thousands)?

-Jim Stapleton

On 8/2/06, Richard Morse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi!  All of these queries worked just fine, without causing any

As this is more of a mysql issue, do you have any suggestions where
it would be best for me to query them?


On Aug 2, 2006, at 9:36 AM, Jim Stapleton wrote:

> Not sure, seems more of a mysql question, but here's some guesses I
> have for diagnostics.
> could you run these queries?
> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE status < 3
> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sessiions WHERE sid =
> "d9fe25949f79f2c767a0d237b4fdf841"
> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FROM users u INNER JOIN sessions s ON u.uid =
> s.uid WHERE s.sid = "d9fe25949f79f2c767a0d237b4fdf841" AND u.status <
> 3
> -Jim Stapleton
> On 8/2/06, Richard Morse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Aug 1, 2006, at 9:24 AM, Richard Morse wrote:
>> > Hi!  I recently updated MySQL to version 5.0.22 using the ports
>> > system (portupgrade -r -R mysql-\*). Previous to this, MySQL was >> > behaving perfectly normally. Since the upgrade, I have found that
>> > every so often -- sometimes two or three times a day, sometimes
>> > every other day, but no more often than that -- one of the
>> > databases MySQL is hosting starts misbehaving, MySQL starts
>> > climbing in processor usage, and I have to restart MySQL to
>> > recover. By "misbehaving", I mean that some subset of queries to
>> > this database start not returning -- they take forever.  By
>> > climbing in processor usage, I mean that my load averages, which
>> > normally sit around 0, start going up to 3, 5, even 7.
>> >
>> > - How can I determine what query it is that is causing this to
>> > happen?  I have turned on the log files by adding the following
>> > line to /etc/rc.conf:
>> Hi!  Since this time, I have, I think, found what query is causing
>> the problem:
>> SELECT u.*, s.* FROM users u INNER JOIN sessions s ON u.uid = s.uid
>> WHERE s.sid = "d9fe25949f79f2c767a0d237b4fdf841" AND u.status < 3
>> LIMIT 0, 1
>> How can I determine _why_ this is causing MySQL to hang/enter some
>> kind of infinite loop?
>> Thanks,
>> Ricky
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