At 12:41 AM 23/07/2006, Tamouh H. wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I've an Intel board D865GVHZ running on FBSD 5.4 that I'd
> like to monitor its temperature. I've tried using lmmon , but
> the data are way off:
> >
> I have an 865GCH.  You might be able to get it via acpi
> % sysctl -a hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature
> hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature: 40.0C
> %
> also, mbmon, might be able to work if you compile in smb support.
>       ---Mike

thx, I've tried that but the thermal sysctl not available. mbmon compiled with smb didn't recognize a h/w monitor!

Hi, nothing special. But for smb support, I mean compile it into the kernel. Try adding

device          ichsmb
device          smb
device          smbus
device          intpm

to your kernel and then see if mbmon picks up the info.

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