Hello Sammy,

It is really nice that you have told us yourt insight on the matter. I
would also like to express my ideas. Please read my replies inline.

On 7/22/06, sammy sumer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Every Linux Distributor in the world is hard at work reinventing the
interface and making the Linux as user friendly as possible but we're still
dogged by turn of the century hassle with our FreeBSD.

This is not correct. The only distros which are working hard to get
the interface more friendly are thoes which has some kind of earning.
Just for example, if you check slackware, they still have a barebones
interface. Secondly FreeBSD community only looks after the base tree.
And as per my knowledge, the interface is something external.

 Here is what I would fix:

1.    Reinvent the installer and interface.

This is not a bad idea. But again is that really worth the trouble.
The existing interface works perfectly. So why fix something which is
not broken. BTW, by reinventing if you mean to say that make the
installer go graphical, then there is a small problem. You are making
the installer more heavy which really has no value.

 2.    Integrate a PHP shell into the core of the system.

This would be a very good idea if you have something call
FreeBSD-Web_Edition which is not the case. FreeBSD hosts all kinds of
services. Therefore the more things u put in stock OS, there would be
more points of failure. BTW why do you feel that the existing port
system is not adequate?

 PHP is by far the most popular computing language in the world. Why not
have a shell called PHP shell. So lots of web developers out there can
easily create shell scripts in PHP syntax to automate and run programs on

Perl is no less popular. Specially Perl had been around far longer
than PHP. But FBSD does not have perl in stock installations either.
Primarrily for the idea of "Keep It Simple".

Who wants to learn bash or sh scripting? They are by far the least popular
and ugly programming language in the world.

It may be ugly, but its a really fast way to implement small
operations. And FYI, we system admins swear by shell scripts.

It is astounding that FreeBSD developers have not clued in to the fact that
millions of backend webmasters could easily migrate and adopt FreeBSD as
their O.S of their choice because of PHP.

Do you have this documented?

3.    Content Management Website

Your current website looks very ordinary and doesn't make any impression for
anyone visiting your site for the first time.

Well we recently got the website look changed. Did you like the
earlier view? Would you please tell us what you mean by ordinary and
what kind of website would be more acceptable to people in generaly.
Please consider the fact that sometimes all you have is a text based
browser to refer to the handbook when you are stuck up in the middle
of an installation. So please provide your comments considering the

Don't get me wrong, I love FreeBSD and I always remain loyal to it. I love
the unique port collection concept for third party application installation.

Of course not. The biggest asset of FreeBSD is its users. So as a user
you have full rights to express your insight.

Thanks and Best Regards

Subhro Kar
Security Engineer
iViZ Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Dhanshree Bldg, 1st Floor
Plot XI-16, Sector V
Salt Lake City
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