--- Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2006-07-11 09:09, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have the following in my .xinitrc file:
> > 
> > aterm -e screen &
> > 
> > What is happening is that neither /etc/profile nor ~/.profile are
> > being read.  How can I get either of them to be sourced?
> By default, xterm, rxvt, aterm and various other terminal emulators
> start non-login shells.  This means that .profile is not sourced by
> the
> shell spawned by the terminal.  You can enable a `login shell' inside
> one of these terminal emulators with the -ls option:
>       aterm -ls -e screen &

I added this option but I still do not get my ~/.profile sourced (no
aliases).  Going '. ~/.profile' gives me my aliases.  How does aterm
know what file to look for?


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