On 07/06/2006 14:02, Pete Slagle wrote:
On March 2, 2006 Eric Schuele wrote:
Anyone using the deskutils/sunbird (not deskutils/linux-sunbird)?
I did the normal "make install clean" in the appropriate dir (everything
went well). Running it for the first time, I see the process in top,
and it writes a bit to the console, but then exits. All subsequent
attempts to run it result in the following at the console:
Starting calendar alarm service
error creating table cal_calendars -- probably already exists
error creating table cal_calendars_prefs -- probably already exists
observer added
observer removed
and the process exits.
All the above still seems to be the case, and I did not see a reply to
the original post, hence this retry.
A process is started
/usr/X11R6/libexec/gconfd-2 32
with no apparent effect which sits around until killed.
Anyone know how to make it do something useful?
IIRC, the trick was to run it once as root.
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