On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 10:55:14PM +1100, Talon wrote:
> I still seem to have the prob with no rl0 interface in the jail ..
> and cannot make any outbound conection from inside the jail.

Ahh, sorry.  I missed this question.  The way I have it setup is using
NAT and a gateway.  If you're using the same IP in the jail as your host
environment you don't need the NAT -- just set the host up as a gateway
and then in the jail add a default route pointing to the host.  This way
all traffic goes through the host.  If you're using different IPs though
you'll need to start using NAT to rewrite the packet headers.  All of
this stuff can be found in the handbook (although I doubt whether it
mentions it specifically about jails).

> I am running ipf with default block from the kernel
> but allow all packets in and out from rl0 lo0
> Is there a good doc on jail setup or troubleshooter on the www that
> anyone knows of ?

  Hope that's a bit more help,


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