On Jun 30, 2006, at 6:33 PM, Rico Secada wrote:

On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 22:40:09 +0100
"Joao Barros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/30/06, Rico Secada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Being an experienced BSD user who on a daily basis gives support to other people using BSD, wether FreeBSD, OpenBSD or NetBSD, I hardly think this has to do with FreeBSD.

This rather sounds like a typical MS whiner, who hasn't really got around to actually understand what he is doing. In some situations there are hardware complications, which again hasn't got anything to do with FreeBSD but rather is based upon hardware vendores keeping others than MS from using their hardware.

Long story short, stop whining and just go back to MS Windows. Nobody cares!

Part of the FreeBSD experience is the comunity and you're not helping.

It's about helping people who want and need help, not people who whine!

I care, most probably someone else cares.

Well, go ahead then, care all you want! But please do so somewhere else! Not on this list!

Please don't talk for the comunity by stating "nobody cares".

I do talk for the comunity by stating nobody cares. This list is about helping. Not venting! Nobody from the comunity cares about that!

Please don't speak for me.

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