
I'm in the middle of configuring a repeatable jail installation with some
ports - in a nutshell, I want to install from locally built packages, but
if not available locally I want to build the port myself _and_ create a
package for future repetition. To prevent remote fetching, I set the
PKG_FETCH variable to /bin/false as recommended. Here's the part I found

# portinstall -N -P -p x11-toolkits/gtk20
[Updating the pkgdb <format:dbm_hash> in /var/db/pkg ... - 63 packages found 
(-0 +0)  done]
--->  Checking for the latest package of 'x11-toolkits/gtk20'
--->  Found a package of 'x11-toolkits/gtk20': 
/usr/ports/packages/All/gtk-2.8.18_1.tbz (gtk-2.8.18_1)
--->  Fetching the package(s) for 'gtk-2.8.19' (x11-toolkits/gtk20)
[Updating the pkgdb <format:dbm_hash> in /var/db/pkg ... - 63 packages found 
(-0 +0)  done]
--->  Fetching gtk-2.8.19
** The command returned a non-zero exit status: 127
** Failed to fetch 
** The command returned a non-zero exit status: 127
** Failed to fetch 
** Failed to fetch gtk-2.8.19
** Listing the failed packages (*:skipped / !:failed)
        ! gtk-2.8.19    (fetch error)
--->  Packages processed: 0 done, 0 ignored, 0 skipped and 1 failed
--->  Fetching the latest package(s) for 'gtk20' (x11-toolkits/gtk20)
--->  Fetching gtk20
** The command returned a non-zero exit status: 127
** Failed to fetch 
** The command returned a non-zero exit status: 127
** Failed to fetch 
** Failed to fetch gtk20
** Listing the failed packages (*:skipped / !:failed)
        ! gtk20@        (fetch error)
--->  Packages processed: 0 done, 0 ignored, 0 skipped and 1 failed
--->  Located a package version 2.8.18_1 
--->  Using it anyway although it is not the latest version (2.8.19), since 
-PP/--use-packages-only is specified
--->  Installing 'gtk-2.8.18_1' from a package
--->  Installing the new version via the package
pkg_add: warning: package 'gtk-2.8.18_1' requires 'libxml2-2.6.24_1', but 
'libxml2-2.6.26' is installed

Note from the above that portinstall is presuming that -PP was used and
is not building the port. I can omit the '-p' and this stops the occurrence
of this error, but then I don't get a package creation and that means I'll
have to build this port from scratch every time I want to install it. I
could force package creation of all ports, but this seems wasteful when
only a few require this process. Is this a bug in portupgrade, or have I
just used a conflicting array of arguments?

-- Joel Hatton --
Infrastructure Manager              | Hotline: +61 7 3365 4417
AusCERT - Australia's national CERT | Fax:     +61 7 3365 7031
The University of Queensland        | WWW:     www.auscert.org.au
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