On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 11:28:09AM +0100, Richard Jones wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having trouble loading kernel modules. Put simply "make
> installkernel" seems install native kernel modules into /boot/kernel/,
> but kldload seems to want to load them from /boot/modules.
> Obviously I can load modules by hand and/or copy the modules into
> /boot/modules, but surely there's a better way - either by modifying the
> installkernel behaviour or kldload.

And in answer to my own question, I've found the answer. Despite the man
page suggesting the default value for module_path being
/boot/kernel;/boot/modules, my /boot/defaults/loader.conf had just

I've checked in /usr/src/sys/boot and this seems to be system default,
does anyone know why this is?



Richard Jones
Y!M: rwkjones
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